
Looking for Help Filing for Disability?

Woman in wheelchair filing disability claim

Woman in wheelchair

If you are currently unable to work and earn a livable income due to a disability, you could very well be entitled to receive social security.

Although anyone can file for social security payments, the approval process isn’t always guaranteed. In fact, according to debt.org, the Social Security Administration rejects about 65% of all first-time applications.

It is assumed that many of those initially rejected will appeal. The appeal process includes four steps, the first being reconsideration. However, only around 10% of applicants are approved at the reconsideration level.

If you are seeking help filing for disability, we can help.

Read on to find out which common mistakes you should avoid when applying for social security disability!

1. Understand and Meet the Basic Requirements

When people go into the social security filing process blindly, they may not understand or meet the necessary requirements.

The list of requirements for recipients includes the following:

  • You must not be gainfully employed, which is defined as earning $940 a month or more
  • Your condition is severe, meaning it interferes with basic activities of work

There are additional requirements, but these are the only two that are mandatory in order for your claim to be considered.

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2. Make Sure That You Have Medical Documentation

You should never attempt to file for social security without seeing a doctor first. Once you have received a medical diagnosis, be sure that you request documentation from your physician’s office detailing your condition and care.

3. Be Honest About Your Limitations

Attempting to exaggerate your limitations can quickly get your case dismissed should the judge suspect dishonesty on your part.

That said, some applicants will go to the opposite extreme and downplay their condition. This can be a costly mistake.

Instead, you should be forthright about your health and medical issues and willing to explain how they limit your activities.

There is no need to be embarrassed about your disability, and you certainly should not dismiss its severity when presenting your claim to the judge.

4. Don’t Give Up

If your application is denied at first, don’t give up. Remember that most applicants are not approved during their initial claim.

Another thing that you should be aware of is the deadline to appeal. If you miss the deadline to appeal your case, you will have to start the process over from the very beginning.

5. Don’t Attempt the Process Alone

Applying for social security disability can be overwhelming. And, without the help of a professional attorney, it can be even more difficult to navigate the process.

Even if you cannot afford to pay a lawyer up-front, you shouldn’t let that stop you from seeking counsel. If your case is deemed worthy, an experienced attorney is likely to agree to receive payment contingent on your approval.

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